Turnbull China Bikeride
Turnbull China Bikeride - Disc 2.iso
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1,816 lines
1. Introduction........................................................1
2. Creating An Example Application.....................................1
3. A Tutorial..........................................................2
4. General Overview....................................................5
5. The Tools..........................................................19
6. Distributing EvntShell Applications................................21
7. Debugging..........................................................21
8. The Credits........................................................21
9. Future Enhancements................................................22
10. Change History....................................................22
EvntShell 2
1. Introduction
A 'Shell' program is a starting point for developing your own
applications that run under the RISC-OS wimp system. The EvntShell
library contains code to handle most of the 'Events' (i.e. opening a
menu, closing a window etc) that can occur, and all your application
has to do is inform the library what it should do when certain events
occur. For example a menu can be attached to a window or to an icon -
the library will open the menu for you (in the correct position!) when
the <MENU> button on the mouse is used.
PROCshell_AttachModeChangeHandler is another very simple example which
calls a function in the 'User Application' (this is the bit you write,
starting with a 'Shell' created by the AppBuild tool or by modifying
one of the examples) when the screen mode changes. A more complicated
example is PROCshell_AttachPane which allows the attachment of pane
windows to a parent window. All opening and closing of windows and
panes is handled totally by the library code.
Normally writing a wimp application is a very complex business,
involving much reading of the Programmers Reference Manuals, magazine
articles and examining other applications. The aim of the EvntShell
library is to reduce the need for this and to enable the speedy
creation of easily maintained and robust applications.
Another important reason for using this Shell is that it attempts to
ensure that any application written using it follows the RISC OS 3
Style Guide which defines how applications should look and behave. For
example menus attached to icons ('popup' menus) appear to the right of
the icon they are attached to and the mouse pointer is repositioned
appropriately. Implementing the Style Guide recommendations is not easy
and at the moment very few of the necessary changes to the library code
have been made, however, this will improve in future releases.
In order to use the library it is necessary to have a reasonable
understanding of how to use an Archimedes and the programs supplied
with it. Some experience in BASIC is also of course required. This
manual does not cover how to use tools like the Template editor which
has its own instructions and may not have been supplied with your copy
of the EvntShell library.
2. Creating An Example Application
The easiest way to create a new application is to use the AppBuild
tool. Run this and drag the application icon from the AppBuild window
to a directory display. The various options available using AppBuild
will be discussed later, but for now just quit AppBuild and run the
newly created application. You should see a blank icon appear on the
icon bar and clicking <MENU> over this will bring up the usual icon bar
menu including the items 'Info' and 'Quit'. 'Info' leads to the normal
'About This Program' window (the icons of which are blank at the
moment) and 'Quit' which stops the application and removes it from the
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icon bar - don't quit it just yet.
Clicking <SELECT> on the iconbar icon will open a window which has the
usual controls and may be scrolled and moved around the screen. Keep
the application you have just created handy as in the next section
we'll look at the program code and see how to change it to suit your
own needs.
As you can see it is very easy to create a new shell application - even
if this particular one doesn't do anything useful yet!
3. A Tutorial
The first few lines of any EvntShell program initialise the memory
management, set up error handlers and load any resources (templates,
message files, sprites etc) required by the program.
This code should not need editing. PROCapp_init determines what happens
when the application starts, in this case an iconbar icon is created
and various 'events' are attached to it. The code created by !AppBuild
is as shown below, although the REMs have been added for this manual.
Try defining other windows and menus and see what happens.
DEF PROCapp_init
PROCSetUp_Menus :REM set up iconbar menu
PROCSetUp_Windows :REM set up main window
PROCSetUp_IconBar :REM put icon on the iconbar and attach events
REM ===== Menu_Setup routines ===================================
LOCAL void%
REM Construct the iconbar menu..
MenuHandle_IconBar% = FNshell_MenuNew( "NewApp", "Menu_IBar", 2 )
MenuItem_Info% = FNshell_MenuAdd( 0, "Info", "" )
void% = FNshell_MenuAdd( 0, "Quit", "_MenuSelect_Quit" )
REM Attach the 'About this program' dialog box to the 'Info'
REM item of the menu. Call FN_PreOpenInfo before opening it so
REM that the icons can be filled in, don't call a FN after
REM opening it.
PROCshell_AttachMenuDBox( MenuItem_Info%, "progInfo",
"_PreOpenInfo", "" )
REM ===== Window_SetUp routines =================================
DEF PROCSetUp_Windows
REM create a window from the template called 'mainw', place the
REM window handle in mainw%
PROCshell_CreateWindowStatic( "mainw", mainw% )
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REM ===== IconBar_SetUp routines ================================
REM sicon is the handle of the icon. -1 means right side of
REM iconbar, -2 would be left side. The name of the sprite for
REM the icon is the same as the application directory. A menu
REM with the handle 'MenuHandle_IconBar%' is attached.
REM attach a help tag for the icon, this will send the text
REM following 'iconbar:' to the !Help application. See the
REM 'Messages' file for this.
REM lastly attach the clickselect event. When <SELECT> is
REM clicked over the icon call FN_clickiconbar
REM ===== Dialog_PreOpen routines ===============================
DEF FN_PreOpenInfo(h%)
REM fill in icons. Try editing the 'Messages' file to make text
REM appear in the icons (just add the text after progInfo0: etc).
REM h% is the handle of the window.
REM ===== Dialog_PostOpen routines ==============================
REM ===== Click_Select routines =================================
DEF FN_ClickSelect_IconBar(wh%,icon%)
REM open the window with the handle mainw% when a click of
REM <SELECT> is received on the iconbar icon. wh% is the handle
REM of the window over which the click occured (the iconbar) and
REM icon% is the handle of the iconbar icon
REM ===== Menu_Select routines ==================================
DEF FN_MenuSelect_Quit(blk%)
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REM ===== Menu_Warning routines =================================
REM ===== Data_Load routines ====================================
REM ===== Data_Save routines ====================================
Let us now look at how events should be attached to a window. It is
important to always do this just before the window opens (i.e. in the
PreOpen routine) because a static window and a dynamic window can be
created from the same template but they will of course have different
handles. The following example shows how this should be handled (we are
assuming the template in question is called 'xfer' and the program is
called 'MyApp').
DEF PROCapp_init
DEF PROCSetUp_Windows
MenuItem_Save% =FNshell_MenuAdd(0,"Save","")
DEF FN_PreOpen_Xfer(h%)
REM OK icon is 0, Filename icon is 2, File icon is 3, Filetype is &344..
DEF FN_PostOpen_Xfer(h%)
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The xfer window will open when F3 is pressed (assuming one of the open
windows has the 'grab hot keys' bit set) and also when the sub menu on
the 'Save' menu item is opened. In each case FN_PreOpen_Xfer will be
called to attach the events and fill in the filename icon.
4. General Overview
This section explains the various elements of an application using the
EvntShell library, and any limitations and assumptions made by me.
4.1 Dynamic Windows
Dynamic windows are those created by moving the pointer over a submenu
pointer arrow (i.e the normal 'About this program' window produced by
the 'Info' entry on the iconbar menu) or optionally when a 'hot key' is
pressed (for example F3 in most applications opens a save box). They
are opened with a call to PROCshell_OpenWindowDynamic.
When writable icons exist in the dynamic window up/down cursor and
TAB/SHIFT TAB keypresses move the caret between the icons using the
icon handles to determine where to move next. You should ensure
therefore that the order of the icon handles is a logical progression
through the dialog box. Icons which are unselectable (i.e. greyed out)
will be ignored. Pressing the <RETURN> key causes icon 0 to be pressed
(normally a 'default action' icon with an extra border) and the
menu/dialog box to be closed. Actually clicking <SELECT> on icon 0 of
a dynamic dialog box will cause the shell library to close the window
as well.
When a 'hot key' is pressed you have the option of opening a dynamic
dialog box which will disappear when a mouse click is made outside it
or the <ESC> key is pressed, or as a 'Static' dialog box which must be
explicitly closed by the user application program.
Do not attempt to close a dynamic dialog box with a call to
PROCshell_CloseWindow or PROCshell_DeleteWindow as this will cause an
error when the shell library tries to close or delete the window.
All windows used by the user application are assumed to be defined in
the 'Templates' file and edited using FormEd or one of the Public
Domain/ShareWare equivalents.
4.2 Static Windows
These are opened with a call to PROCshell_OpenWindowStatic and respond
to cursor,TAB and <RETURN> keypresses like dynamic dialog boxes except
that pressing <RETURN> will not close the window. Static windows must
be created with a call to PROCshell_CreateWindowStatic.
Closing these windows is the responsibility of the application program
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(use PROCshell_CloseWindow) except in the case of a click on the
'Close' icon in the title bar icon (if present).
You would use a static window for the main window of an application, or
perhaps for a save box as in the case of the !WinSave2 example. The
advantage of using a static window in this case is that this allows
the user to open directory viewers or start other applications while
keeping the save box on the screen.
4.3 Resources
'Resources' is a general term for additional files needed by an
application. There will (almost) always be some of these, such as
sprite files. Others, for example message files may not be required.
The EvntShell library now supports ResFind which allows the selection
of the desired language for message files etc much easier. Briefly
explained it checks the currently configured language of the computer
it is running on and sets up a path to the resource files. This would
normally be <App$Dir>.Resources.UK for a UK configured computer, or
<App$Dir>.Resources.Germany for a German one. This is handled for you
if you use !AppBuild to create the application.
AppBuild now offers to place the resources in the appropriate
directories for you when you create a new application, and to place a
call to ResFind in the !Run file.
Using ResFind is optional and EvntShell applications will function
equally well if you don't use it. It does make the production of
applications that can be easily used in any country much easier,
however, and this should be encouraged. Most of the programming tools
and modules used during the development of this library were written
outside the UK.
The author would appreciate help in translating the ShellMsgs file and
the documentation into other languages.
The full ResFind documentation supplied with the library contains
further details on how it works and the advantages to be gained by
using it. As a taster, here is the part of the documentation intended
to be distributed with applications using ResFind.
(Base for the application's documentation - please replace <ProgName>
by the name of your application without the !)
!<ProgName> adapts automatically to the configured language if the
corresponding messages etc. are available. For this purpose a Resources
directory is contained in the application in which a subdirectory for
each language supported resides. If the language you need isn't in
there, please feel free to duplicate any of these language directories
and translate the contents.
When you run the program a utility called ResFind is called which reads
the language your computer is configured to and then looks for the
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corresponding language directory. If this fails the program will run in
English (UK). By setting several system variables (best done in your
system's !Boot file) you can change the language looked for. With this
you can make sure a program runs in a certain language, e.g. to avoid a
weird translation. Furthermore it is possible to name several languages
you prefer to English.
This is controlled by three system variables:
<ProgName>$Language, ResFind$LanguagesPref and ResFind$Languages$Suff.
When running the application ResFind looks for the first language
supported along the following list of languages:
1. Contents of the variable <ProgName>$Language
2. Contents of the variable ResFind$LanguagesPref
3. The configured language
4. Contents of the variable ResFind$LanguagesSuff
5. UK
Take a Norwegian user for example (lots of great programs come from
there) whose computer is configured to 'Norway'. Since this language
isn't too common in Europe most programs won't support it - except for
Norwegian ones. But our user is pretty good in German and French but
not too fond of English. Therefore he prefers these languages to UK and
would thus put the following line in his system's !Boot file:
*Set ResFind$LanguagesSuff Germany,France
Running an applications (such as this one) using ResFind the list of
languages looked for is 'Norway,Germany,France,UK'.
In case this user has an application called !Pete supporting the
language 'Humorous' the line:
*Set Pete$Language Humor
in the !Boot file makes sure !Pete will run humorous.
A brief description of the various resource files follows.
4.3.1 Templates
All windows used by programs based on the shell library would normally
be defined using a template editor as this is far simpler than
creating the windows/icons in the user program. This is not as
inflexible as it may sound as windows and icons can be resized, moved
or otherwise altered by shell library routines.
The template file must be called 'Templates' and be either in the
application directory or in the appropriate language directory if
ResFind is in use. Note that if you are using different templates for
different languages you must use ResFind. In most cases, however, it is
sufficient to have only one template file in the application directory
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and to insert the text taken from the message file in the language of
choice into the icons.
A call to PROCshell_ResourcesInit will find the template file and load
all the templates it contains allocating memory as required.
4.3.2 Sprites
The sprite file must be called 'Sprites' and be either in the
application directory or in the appropriate language directory if
ResFind is in use. A call to PROCshell_ResourcesInit will find the file
if it exists and load all the sprites it contains allocating memory as
Optionally a second sprite file called 'Sprites22' containing high
resolution sprites for users with multisync monitors may be present. If
the application is started in a high resolution screen mode and
'Sprites22' is available it will be loaded instead of 'Sprites'.
The sprite area pointer for each loaded template will be set to point
to the user sprite area, which put simply this means that all sprites
displayed in windows must be present in the 'Sprites' and 'Sprites22'
files. This may, however, be changed after loading with a call to
4.3.3 Message Files
The message file is a normal ASCII file written using !Edit or similar
that contains message strings preceeded by a message tag. The
application program should find the messages as required by tag name
which allows the production of foreign language versions (probably by
someone else!). It is also far easier to edit the message file to
change text displayed by the application than using !FormEd or similar.
The !Run file of the user application automatically loads a support
module 'MsgTrans' if required (it is built in to RISC OS 3) to provide
this facility.
The message file must be called 'Messages' and be in the application
directory or in the appropriate language directory if ResFind is in
use. A call to PROCshell_ResourcesInit will find the file if it exists
and load all the messages it contains allocating memory as required.
The messages issued by the library code are stored in a file called
'ShellMsgs' inside the !EvntShell.Resources.UK directory. If this file
is present in the user application directory (or the application
Resources directory) then it is loaded from there, if not it is loaded
from !EvntShell. This is to aid the construction of stand alone
4.3.4 Modules
Various Public Domain modules are used by the EvntShell library, these
are stored in the !EvntShell application and loaded as required. A full
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list is:
Interface - 3D icon effects, changing pointer shapes etc
MenuUtils - menu handling
FontMenu - font menu handling
MsgTrans - message files (supplied for Risc-OS 2
FontWindow - handling outline fonts across mode changes (not
used at the moment)
DrawFile - used for rendering drawfiles (this module is
copyright Acorn)
Note that in general no documentation is supplied for these modules, it
is all available elsewhere (or why not write to the author?)
The EvntShell library makes the assumption that the interface module
will always be used. The reason is that firstly that it is highly
likely that some other PD program will have already loaded it, and
secondly that the facilities it provides for changing pointer shapes
over certain icons is extremely useful as a prompt for what the icon is
for. Indeed RISC-OS 3 has this built in so even Acorn are supporting 3D
buttons etc....
The module is loaded by the !Run file if not already loaded. Using a
template editor that is 'Interface Aware' makes incorporating these
effects into a user program easy as once the icons have been designed
and placed the shell library handles all the redrawing automatically.
Note that windows containing 3d interface icons must have the 'Auto
Redraw' flag off, but if the template editor displays interface icons
then the user application will as well.
4.4 Menus
Menus are now handled by MenuUtils which was written by Alex Petrov.
Versions of the library prior to 1.20 used a menu editor to create a
seperate menu template file, but I have now abandoned this as it was
rather inflexible.
The use of MenuUtils has enabled me to remove large chunks of slow
BASIC code and to provide many more features, such as creation and
modification of menus under program control. The menus themselves
appear more quickly as well (OK Cy?).
Menus may be created by calling functions in the user application, or
from a menu command file. The file option is especially useful for
lists of items that can be edited by the user - for example the new
version of !VideoBase uses menu command files for lists of commonly
used categories of recordings (Documentary, Action Film etc) a menu of
which can be attached to an icon for easy access. As the command file
is a simple text file it is very easy to edit to meet special
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A demonstration application !TestMenu should have been supplied with
the library code so that you can try out some of the possibilities
The appearance of the RISC OS 3 Style Guide has caused a few changes in
the way that EvntShell handles 'popup' menus (menus attached to icons
in windows other than the iconbar). Firstly they appear to the right of
the icon they are attached to, the mouse pointer also moving to the
recommended position, and secondly only SELECT and MENU will call up a
popup menu.
Note that menus can only be attached to icons in static windows,
because as far as RISC OS is concerned a dynamic window is a menu.
The support module is automatically loaded by the !Run file to
provide the new menu handling SWIs used by the EvntShell library.
4.5 Saving Files
This is achieved by a call to PROCshell_AttachDataSave which specifies
which filetype the saved file should be given, the name of a function
which will actually perform the save and the window/icon handles the
drag save event is associated with. It is therefore possible to have
different drag save events attached to different icons in the same
window. This is useful where it is possible to save the file as more
than one type - you can have multiple filetype icons in the save window.
PROCshell_AttachDataSave also performs some checking when it is called.
For example an error message is generated if the file icon is not a
sprite icon. The button type of the file icon is also changed to
Click/Drag to avoid the need to get this correct when editing the
template file.
The EvntShell library supports RAM file transfer for speed when saving
data to consenting applications.
See the !WinSave2 and !VBase2 example applications for how to use this
4.6 Loading Files
This is achieved by a call to PROCshell_AttachDataLoad which tells the
EvntShell library which filetypes the user application is interested in
and the name of a function to call when a load event occurs. Multiple
files may be loaded, but in the current release of the library it is up
to the user application to keep track of where they are loaded and if
they have been modified. This will change in a future release.
When the event is attached a check is made to see if the application
was started by double clicking a file which 'belongs' to it. If the
filetypes match then the file is loaded as if it had been dragged to
the icon bar icon. A filetype is associated with an application by the
inclusion of the line:
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Set Alias$@RunType_xxx Run <Obey$Dir>.!Run %%*0
where xxx is the filetype number.
If required the files can be loaded automatically into a reserved block
of memory, or the user application can have total control over loading
and processing the file.
The EvntShell library supports RAM file transfer for speed when loading
data from consenting applications.
It is also possible to arrange for the user application to respond to a
range of filetypes by attaching more than one handler.
An example application !DataLoad should have been included with the
Library to demonstrate how to do this.
This is the code from !DataLoad used to achieve the load :
The first parameter, mainw% is the wimp window handle, the second is
the icon handle. &FEC is the filetype to respond to and '_dataloadFEC'
is the name of the function to call to actually load the file. The last
parameter is TRUE to load the file automatically into a reserved block
of memory or FALSE if you want to handle the loading yourself. In this
case loading is automatic and the loading function is simply:
DEF FN_dataloadFEC(loc%,type%,name$,file_size%)
void%=FNshell_MessageWindow("File '"+name$+"'",0,"DataLoad","")
The data file (of type &FEC, template) has been loaded at location
loc%, its type is in type% and the full path name of the file is in
name$. All the function itself does is call another function to
display a message window so that you can see that loading the file has
worked. This is a useful debugging technique!
This method of loading a file works well for datafiles that are stored
as one continuous block of data such as a text file which will be
processed in some way. Suppose, however, you have a simple database
type application which needs to load data into BASIC arrays. In this
case you would simply use (assuming now the filetype is &205):
FN_dataload205 receives the full pathname of the file which has been
dragged to icon 0 (providing the filetype of the file was &205,
otherwise the load will be ignored) which may now be opened and the
data loaded as usual. If the 'no load' flag was set for this load event
and the load was from another application the data is saved in a file
called 'ScrapFile' in the user application directory.
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4.7 Compressing EvntShell Applications
Due to the complex nature of the library code and the desire for it to
do as much as possible to make a user application easy to write the
ShellLibRT library file has expanded to around 150K. This is obviously
undesirable especially if you are planning to send your finished
program to a PD library. If you want people to be able to read your
source code you can use the 'RunTime' version of the library which has
been mildly compressed, but for the smallest possible program it is
necessary to append the library (either version) to the end of the user
application, remove the line which loads the library file and run the
whole lot through a BASIC program compressor.
I recommend !BasShrink or !Shrink_PD (the Public Domain version of
!BasShrink) by John Wallace although John's program is slow and not
presently multitasking it does produce code that still runs! This is
unfortunately not true of Cy Booker's otherwise superb !BC which will
not work on the EvntShell library. However, if I or Cy can find out
what the problem is we'll fix it.
Future versions of !BasShrink should be able to remove unused routines
to save even more space, or alternatively BLibII can be used to
pre-process the application to link in only the routines that are
actually used. See the manual section 'Other Tools' for more details.
There is one important point to bear in mind when using the shell
library and !BasShrink together - function names that are EVALuated by
the shell library should begin with a '_' character and the 'Preserve
names starting with' radio button in the !BasShrink window must be ON.
In short if you are calling any
shell library routine that has a function name as a parameter then that
name must start with a '_'. Failure to observe this rule will result in
a non-working compressed program!
Assuming you have !BasShrink 2.14 or later the EvntShell library can be
compressed with all switches on except 'Shorten FN names', 'Shorten
PROC names' and 'Remove * comments'. If you are not going to use
!BLibII you can switch on 'Remove * comments' to strip out the !BLibII
If you append the EvntShell library to the user application manually or
by using BLibII you can compress the complete program with all switches
4.8 The RunTime Library
This is a compressed version of the full library which should be used
wherever possible as it will load and run faster. The only reason for
using the uncompressed library would be to add extra debugging code or
perhaps to modify the routines. In this case, however, it is better to
just copy the uncompressed routine into the user application and edit
it there.
The uncompressed version is called ShellLib, the compressed version is
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ShellLibRT. Both can be found inside the !EvntShell application
The ShellLibRT file has had the BLibII commands stripped out to save
4.9 The !EvntShell Application
As large chunks of code are common to all EvntShell applications it
makes sense to store it only once on the disk, hence !EvntShell which
should be treated like the !System application. If you have a hard disk
put it in the root directory (or ensure it is booted by your Boot
file). If you have a floppy only system put it on all your disks
(removing the ShellLib file and making sure all EvntShell applications
use ShellLibRT will help save disk space). The system message file and
various modules are also to be found here.
The name '!EvntShell' has been registered with Acorn as an official
shared system resource.
4.10 Handling Panes
A pane window is a window attached to a parent window which has
different properties to the parent. A well-known example is the
'ToolBox' pane attached to a !Draw window which always appears at the
top left of the parent window however the parent window is scrolled.
Another example could be a parent window without scrollbars which has a
scrolling pane attached to the work area which might be used in a
'FindFile' application to display a list of finds.
Panes are created using !FormEd or similar with the 'pane' flag set. A
call to PROCshell_AttachPane specifies which pane is attached to which
window and the position of the pane. Multiple panes may to attached to
a parent window (see the example application !Panes).
The opening and closing of panes is handled totally by the shell
library - a call to PROCshell_OpenWindow after attaching the panes will
open the parent window and the panes together.
It is normally necessary for certain bits in the window definition
block to be set up in a special way if a window is to be treated as a
pane. This is not required when using the EvntShell library as the act
of attaching the event makes the changes needed.
You should avoid attaching a pane to a parent window where it is
possible to resize the parent in such a way that the pane lies outside
the window it is attached to. This will cause (non-fatal) problems when
the windows are redrawn. Most RISC OS programs also avoid this for the
same reasons.
When attaching a pane it is possible to specify a 'pane flag' value
which determines where the pane will be attached and to some extent how
it will behave when the parent window is resized. The currently valid
pane flags are:
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0 = attached to parent window work area
1 = attached to left edge outside parent
2 = attached to top edge
3 = attached to left edge inside parent
4 = attached to bottom edge
5 = attached to right edge
In cases 1-5 the library will attempt to stretch the pane window so
that it will fill the whole width or depth of the parent window.
4.11 Outline Fonts
The EvntShell Library supports Outline Fonts in two ways at the moment.
Firstly Joris Röling's FontMenu module is used to display a menu of all
available fonts on the system, and secondly the window template loading
routine allows icons and window titles to use fonts.
Routines are provided to attach a font menu to an existing menu as a
submenu (PROCshell_AttachFontSubMenu), or to open the font menu as a
menu in its own right (PROCshell_AttachFontMenu). If the user makes a
valid font selection the font name can be retrieved (with
FNshell_FontMenuGetLastSelectedFont) for use in the user application.
Changes to the Font$Path variable such as adding or removing font
directories are detected and the font menu rebuilt as necessary.
It will not, however, detect fonts being added or removed from an
existing font directory while the EvntShell application is running. It
appears that a re-boot is required to sort things out after the
contents of the font directories have changed. Oh well, it seems that a
lot of other applications can't cope with this either!
The FontMenu module creates a menu in the relocatable module area which
is shared between all applications wishing to use it. As a font menu
potentially takes up a lot of space this is a very efficient way of
handling it, especially as the menu is laid out so that it is easier to
use than a straight list of fonts.
A help system containing the full FontMenu documentation is supplied
with the EvntShell library as it is a requirement that the the module
and its documentation must be supplied together. However, it is
unlikely that the SWIs provided by the module will need to be called by
the user application as the library code performs the necessary actions.
The example application !Redraw demonstrates the use of these routines.
4.12 Interactive Help
The EvntShell library supports Acorn's Interactive Help application
!Help by searching icon validation strings for the 'I' command (as
recommended by the author of the Interface module) for a message tag.
The message belonging to the tag will be looked up and sent to !Help
(if !Help is running). An example would be a validation string of
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"iMessTag01", where the file 'Messages' contains the line
'MessTag01:This is a test'. 'This is a test' would be the message
It is also possible to attach a message tag to a window or a
window/icon using PROCshell_AttachHelpTag. A message tag is a string
consisting of not more than 11 characters long and represents a message
string to be found in the 'Messages'
Interactive help can be enabled or disabled by calls to the EvntShell
library. It is useful to offer the option to disable interactive help
for experienced users as the applications response times will be
4.13 User Redraws
4.13.1 Simple Cases
By 'Simple Cases' I mean text, lines, arcs, filled shapes etc. In other
words anything that it is easy for the program to redraw quickly - this
excludes maps of the world and any kind of random display. For these
cases it is much faster to redirect the screen output into a sprite
(see the next section).
Using the example application you created earlier (or create a new one
using AppBuild) add the following line to PROCSetUp_Windows:
and add the following FN definition:
DEF FN_redraw(blk%,x0%,y0%)
REM set colour for circle - colours are numbered 0-15!
REM draw the circle..
SYS "Wimp_SetColour",11
CIRCLE FILL x0%+200,y0%-200,120
REM set colour for text...
SYS "Wimp_SetColour",8 :REM colours are numbered 0-15!
MOVE x0%+80,y0%-340:PRINT "This is an example of"
MOVE x0%+40,y0%-380:PRINT "user drawn text and graphics"
MOVE x0%+95,y0%-420:PRINT "in a desktop window"
The routine that attaches the redraw event also alters the 'flags' of
the window so that the 'Auto redraw' bit is set up correctly. When you
run the application and open the main window now, a circle and some
text will appear in the window. If another window is moved over this
one, note that the window is correctly redrawn.
The parameters x0% and y0% for the redraw routine are the coordinates
of the top left corner of the window. Note that y coordinates are
negative! Try experimenting with other drawing commands and putting
text in different places in the window to get the hang of this.
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4.13.2 Drawing Into A Sprite
With a more complicated or random display you need to set up a sprite
to draw into. The example application !Redraw2 shows how to do this.
Note in this case that the display within the window is animated by
calling the plotting routine at every null event received. There also
has to be two redrawing routines, one called when you want the display
redrawn and one for when the wimp wants it redrawn (hence the call to
PROCshell_AttachUserRedraw). In both cases it is necessary just to
replot the sprite.
4.14 Complex Icons
4.14.1 Bump Icons
Bump icons are simply a pair of (usually!) arrow shaped icons that
effect the value displayed in a third icon. The EvntShell library
allows you to create this effect with one call to
Note that clicking on a bump icon which ADJUST has the opposite effect
to using SELECT, i.e. ADJUST on the decrement icon actually increases
the value. This is normal RISC OS behaviour and is intended to avoid
unnecessary mouse movements.
See the !VBase2 demo application for an example of its use.
4.15 Memory Management
A crucial element of the EventShell library is the use of memory
management routines originally published in Risc User magazine and used
with permission. Many library routines require some memory workspace
and they obtain this by calling FNshell_HeapBlockFetch(bytes_required)
which returns the address of the allocated memory and release it when
they are finished with PROCshell_HeapBlockReturn.
This is vital for avoiding 'side effects' caused by using the same
block of memory for different purposes as most WIMP programs tend to
do. Equally important is the fact that as the routines are written in
ARM code they are extremely fast.
Another point to note is that this memory is claimed from the current
wimp slot and not the RMA (Relocatable Module Area). This ensures that
all of the memory claimed by the application is released back to the
free pool when the application quits - this is not the case if memory
is claimed from the RMA. It is only possible to reclaim RMA memory if
the free space is at the top of the RMA which leads to the RMA
allocation gradually growing as you run and quit applications.
Unfortunately (in the authors view!) the MenuUtils module uses the RMA
for storage of indirected data and menu structures. Hopefully this data
gets put in any small available blocks so that the RMA allocation does
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not increase.
You are strongly advised to use the supplied memory management routines
in the user application should you require storage for data, or
temporary blocks for use with SWI calls for example. The time penalty
for doing this is very small and in any case results in a more reliable
and easier to maintain application.
4.16 Error Handling
The EvntShell library sets up a default error handler for you if you
build the application with AppBuild. Since version 1.21 of the library
support has been provided for Joe Taylor's !ThrowBack application which
was on the September 1993 cover disk of Archimedes World. This traps
errors in the program and opens a window showing the location and type
of the error. Clicking on the error line then loads the file into your
editor with the offending line highlighted which is a real timesaver.
It is not necessary to have !ThrowBack, if it is not present a standard
error window will pop up instead.
The user application can generate errors on purpose as a way of
aborting an operation. Control will then return to the wimp poll loop.
This is done with a call to PROCshell_OK which opens an error box with
a user defined message and an OK button.
Also note that the MenuUtils module appears to set up its own error
handler while calling the MenuSelect routine (the one you specify will
be called when a selection is made for a particular menu item). This
means that any errors in this routine appear to be ignored - in fact
the routine just aborts at the error location without giving a message.
This makes debugging these routines impossible unless you add the line:
at the start of the routine, i.e
DEF FN_MenuSelect_TID(blk%)
LOCAL str$
4.17 Draw Files
The standard method of creating and displaying vector graphics on Risc
OS computers is the DrawFile, as created by the Acorn Draw application.
It is also possible to create a DrawFile under program control using
the routines in the supplied DrawLib library - this is seperate from
the main shell library as the creation of DrawFiles is a specialised
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A good example of the use of program generated DrawFiles would be the
production of a graph which could be loaded into a DTP or word
processing package. If you want to do something like this it makes
sense to use the existing standard of DrawFiles, indeed if you want
other applications to be able to load the data there is really no
EvntShell handles the creation of DrawFiles by creating the necessary
data in memory (hence memory availability limits the size of DrawFile
that can be created), first adding a 'pre-header' to the data. The
purpose of the 'pre-header' is to store data such as the current
drawing colour, the width of the lines etc without using global
variables. Each DrawLib routine requires the address of the buffer
holding the DrawFile, enabling several DrawFiles to be created in
different buffers at the same time.
Existing DrawFiles may be loaded, modified by the user application and
re-saved. Full control is provided over line thicknesses, patterns, end
caps, path and fill colours (stored as 24 bit values which RISC OS
displays using dithering).
DrawFiles can contain lines, boxes, circles, ellipses and outline font
text at the moment which is not an exhaustive list but should suffice
for most needs.
An example of the use of the DrawLib routines is as follows:
LIBRARY "EvntShell:Extensions.DrawLib"
buffer% = 0 : REM Just declare the variable
which creates a DrawFile and then adds a square at the location x100
y100 (relative to the bottom left of the paper) with sides 25mm long.
By default millimetres are used for measurements, but drawing units may
additionally be specified in centimeters, inches, OS units or points.
Drawing units can be mixed within each file.
A demonstration application called TestDraw should have been supplied
with EvntShell to enable you to experiment.
Note that as displaying a DrawFile uses Acorn's DrawFile module
programs using it can only run on Risc OS 3 or later.
4.18 OLE
OLE is a technique whereby data can be sent from your application to be
edited by another and reloaded when it is saved by the external
application. The demo application OLE shows how this works.
In addition the TestDraw application shows how a DrawFile can be sent
to Draw for editing and how when the Draw window is closed the modified
file is passed back for display.
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5. The Tools
Various programming tools have been written by myself and others to
make producing wimp applications easier and faster. If you obtained the
EvntShell library or updates thereof from the author you will have
received all of the tools described here. If you obtained it from a PD
library the author has little or no control over what else is supplied
on the disk, so you may have to obtain the missing tools from other
disks in the PD library, or better still send me a blank disk.
Only one of the tools (one of the many Template editors available) is
vital to the EvntShell Library, the others you can do without but they
do make life easier.
The following is a brief description of the tools supplied on APDL disk
B122, and some other software which may be useful for developing
5.1 !AppBuild
Creates new application shells as 'stand alone' applications for
distribution, or ones that depend on !EvntShell. You can specify a name
for the application, and choose whether or not to make it 'Stand Alone'
i.e if all the files required are copied into the new application
directory. If it is not a stand alone application then modules, message
files etc will be loaded from the !EvntShell directory.
This application supports Acorn's !Help application.
5.2 !ShellDBug
A very simple debugger that displays trace output from the user
application and the library code. Note that currently this application
must be running before the application you want to debug.
The EvntShell library outputs a commentary on what it is doing into a
tracefile, providing that PROCshell_TraceInit and PROCshell_TraceOn
have been called. The user application can also place output in this
file using PROCshell_Tracef0.
Outputting trace information will slow the user application noticeably,
especially when starting up as a lot of trace info is generated by the
call to PROCshell_ResourcesInit. Therefore it is best to only turn on
tracing when necessary, and of course make sure that tracing is off on
any applications you distribute!
5.3 Other Tools
There follows a brief description of some other
PD/ShareWare/Copyrighted programs which I have found useful when
developing EvntShell applications.
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5.3.1 !BasShrink/!BasShrink_PD
Is a BASIC program compressor which has been proved to work with
EvntShell applications. !BasShrink_PD is Public Domain and available
from various PD libraries, !BasShrink cost £5.00 and can be obtained
John Wallace, Architype Software, 54 Parkes Hall Road, Woodsetton,
Dudley, West Midlands, DY1 3SR ENGLAND
See the section on compressing EvntShell programs for guidance on the
options that can be used.
5.3.2 !BLibII
A BASIC Linker program available on APDL Disk B138. This builds a
program from the user application and the EvntShell library containing
only the routines that are actually needed. This is very useful for
distributing the final application as !BLibII and !BasShrink used
together will produce the minimum program size possible.
Full instructions are provided with !BLibII, so I won't go into details
here except to note that the ShellLib library already contains the
extra information that !BLibII requires, although the conditional
linking bits are not yet in place. This means that the linked program
is bigger than it should be, but an improvement over just appending the
library code to the end of the user application. This will improve in
future releases.
Note that you should use the ShellLib library for linking with BLibII
because ShellLibRT has had the BLibII commands removed to save space.
5.3.3 !TemplEd
Also on APDL disk B138 this is I believe the best Template editor
available anywhere. Forget !FormEd2 which was on some APDL B122 disks,
!FormEd (Risc Squad version 2.84b on B053 or 2.87 also on B138) and any
Acorn versions.
5.3.4 !StrongEd
A text editor which is now a ShareWare product again. The big advantage
this has over any other editor is the accompanying !StrongHlp
application as pressing F1 over a word in a program known to !StrongHlp
causes an hypertext information window to open.
The Archimedes World August 1993 cover disk contained a crippled
version of !StrongEd (as the commercial version is known) which can be
used for evaluation purposes, and this may be available from PD
libraries. The PD/Demo version cannot create files and only allows two
files to be open at any one time although this is not much of a problem
for evaluation purposes.
5.3.5 !StrongHlp
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A hypertext type application which almost removes the need for the
Reference Manuals. Files supplied with it detail most of the SWIs
available and much more information is provided on BASIC, VDU calls,
Filetypes etc.
The Archimedes World August 1993 cover disk also contained the PD
version of !StrongHlp.
The EvntShell library also has a few PROCs to interface with StrongHlp
to enable user applications to register help systems.
5.3.6 !ThrowBack
This application appeared on the September 1993 cover disk of
Archimedes World and is copyright that magazine. It provides a
'throwback' window when an error occurs, and clicking on the throwback
window opens your program editor at the line where the error occured.
This is very useful when debugging a program.
The EvntShell library contains the necessary support code for this.
Note that for this to work properly you need the DDEUtils module and an
editor that supports throwback (such as !DeskEdit or !StrongEd),
although it will work after a fashion with !Edit as well.
6. Distributing EvntShell Applications
It is probably best to copy ShellLibRT, ShellMsgs and the modules into
your application directory, not forgetting to alter the !Run file and
the LIBRARY statement in the runimage file to point to the new
location. That way you are sure that all the necessary files are in one
place for ease of copying.
AppBuild will do this for you automatically if you drag the application
to the
iconbar icon, turn the 'Standalone' switch in the main window on and
click OK.
7. Debugging
A simple debugger (!ShellDBug) is supplied with the library to display
trace messages. You can also do wonders with a few VDU7 calls to check
which parts of the application are actually being executed..
8. The Credits
Quite a few people have been (however unwittingly) involved in this
project such as:
David Breakwell (the original idea), Robert Seago (for using it for
things I wouldn't dream of attempting!), Cy Booker (various helpful
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suggestions - I won't rewrite it in C or Assembler though - RISC-OS 3
Documentation and the FontWindow module), Risc User magazine (for
permission to use its heap manager code), Joris Röling (FontMenu
module), Simon Huntingdon (Interface module), Alex Petrov (MenuUtils),
Jan-Herman Buining (WASP application from which I worked out how to do
RAM file transfers) and lastly the wife (Hilke) for putting up with me
pounding away at a keyboard for hours when we could have been looking
for new furniture instead.
9. Future Enhancements
The software will become faster and be able to leap tall buildings with
a single bound. Bugs and limitations will become fewer as well.
- Support for automatic handling of more
complicated icon types, for example
sliders, rotating knobs etc
(steady now don't get carried away)
- Inclusion of more debugging aids
- More drag types
- Autoscroll handler when object is
dragged within a window
- Automatic handling of non-icon text
within a window (like C txt objects)
- Playing of Maestro tunes (ArchWay does!)
- Extending message file useage to icons/
- Replay Films (!!!)
- Better multiple file buffers
- Complete German message files
- Choice of message file language from
within program
- Automatic attaching of 'hot key' events
by examining menu text
10. Change History
2.00 - First release version 2
2.01 - Added documentation for interactive help routines
- Fixed MenuMaker routines
- Fixed OLE problems
2.02 - Added documentation for PROCshell_DrawSetPathNoColour
- Added documentation for PROCshell_DrawSetFillNoColour
- Added documentation for PROCshell_DrawDestroyFile
- Added documentation for PROCshell_DrawSetPathPattern
- Parameters changed for FNshell_MenuGetItemHandle
- Added routine PROCshell_AttachMenuHelpTag
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2.03 - Fixed bug concerning text under iconbar icons not being
updated when PROCshell_IconbarSetText was called
- Fixed bug with loading a file to a window or icon that
had no dataload event attached (possible address
exception error)
2.04 - Added routine FNshell_IconGetButtonType
- ClickSelect/ClickAdjust events no longer set the icon
button type to CLICK if the button type is already MENU
(so you can attach these events to icons that invert
when the pointer is over them)
2.05 - Width parameter for FNshell_IconBar now working again,
any amount of text can be placed under the iconbar icon
2.06 - Added routine PROCshell_WindowSendToBack
- PROCshell_WindowBringToTop now works on all windows
including those of the current task
2.07 - Added routine PROCshell_SpriteAreaInit
- Added routine PROCshell_SpriteLoad
- Added routine PROCshell_SpriteRemoveLeftWastage
- Added routine PROCshell_SpriteGetSize
- Added routine PROCshell_SpriteGetMode
- Added routine PROCshell_SpriteLoadAsDraw
- Added routine PROCshell_DrawSpriteArea
- Added routine FNshell_SpritesGetHeaderSize
2.08 - Fixed bug in FNshell_IconIsWritable
- Fixed bug in drag routines which resulted in problems
with draggable non writable icons
- Contents of draggable writable icons can be dragged to
other writables with the following effects :- normal
drag copies text from icon 1 to icon 2, overwriting the
contents of icon 2. SHIFT deletes the text from icon 1
(i.e. a move). CTRL appends the text from icon 1 to the
text of icon 2. SHIFT and CTRL can be used together.
(I'll probably get a visit from the Style Guide Police
over this one, but 'Personal Accounts 3' does something
similar and I think it's useful!)
- Added routine PROCshell_IconSetAllWritables
- Added routine PROCshell_IconClearAllWritables
- Added routine PROCshell_IconDisallowWritableDrags
- Added routine PROCshell_IconAllowWritableDrags
- Added routine PROCshell_WindowGetPosition
- Added routine PROCshell_PointerGetPosition
- Added routine PROCshell_PointerGetWindow
- Added routine PROCshell_PointerGetIcon
- Added routine PROCshell_WindowGetCentre
- Added routine PROCshell_PointerGetMovementVector
- Added routine PROCshell_PointerGetLastMovementVector
- Added routine PROCshell_PointerChangeShape
- Added routine PROCshell_PointerLimit
- Added routine PROCshell_PointerRemoveLimits
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- Added routine PROCshell_MouseRemoveLimits
- Added routine PROCshell_MenuTickAllItems
- Added routine PROCshell_MenuUntickAllItems
- Added routine PROCshell_MenuShadeAllItems
- Added routine PROCshell_MenuUnshadeAllItems
- Added routine FNshell_IconWritableDragStatus
- Added routine FNshell_WindowGetTopPaneDepth
- Added routine FNshell_WindowGetBottomPaneDepth
- Added routine FNshell_Evnts_DragIconStartIcon
- Added routine FNshell_Evnts_DragIconStartWindow
- Added routine FNshell_Evnts_WritableDragInProgress
- Added routine FNshell_PointerIsBelowWindowCentre
- Added routine FNshell_PointerIsAboveWindowCentre
- Added routine FNshell_PointerIsRightOfWindowCentre
- Added routine FNshell_PointerIsLeftOfWindowCentre
- Attaching ClickSelect and ClickAdjust events to an icon
now only changes the button type if the original type
was 'never'. This enables these events to be attached
to radio and option icons.
- Fixed bug in DragSave routines that was preventing solid
sprite dragging
- PROCshell_IconEnsureVisible now autoscrolls windows with
panes top and bottom correctly (it used to ignore
- If a file icon is dragged from a static window the
window is not now automatically closed at the end of
the drag
- WindowClose event fixed and documentation corrected
- Bug in IconWatch handler fixed (returned "0" when
string in a text icon was "" )
- Added extension library ShareBan to handle ShareWare
2.09 - Added routine PROCshell_PointerGetMouseButton
- Fixed bug in routine that loads the EvntData file
- Minor optimisations
- FNshell_InstallLib removed
2.10 - Bug fix to code that checks whether a valid name has
been entered in a file save window (problem with
multiple save dboxes only)
- Fixed bugs in PROCshell_MenuSortItems (was ignoring
start element number and generally not working at all).
Added default comparision routine for sorting menu text.
2.11 - Added routine FNshell_SliderGetHandle
- Corrected docs for PROCshell_AttachTaskInitialiseHandler
2.12 - Fixed bug in PROCshell_MenuShadeAllItems
- Fixed bug in FNshell_CalendarDaysInMonth (there's 31
days in January....)
2.13 - Fixed bug in FNshell_IconHasCaret (always returned
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- Fixed bug in PROCshell_IconPutData for writable icons
(caret was being placed at the end of the old icon
contents instead of the new contents)
- Added routine PROCshell_HidePane
- Added routine PROCshell_ShowPane
2.14 - Fixed various bugs in IconWatch event handling (wasn't
working at all..)
- Added docs for PROCshell_AttachSaveDesktopHandler
- Added docs for PROCshell_AttachDeskFontChangeHandler
- Added docs for PROCshell_AttachPointerEnteringWindow
- Added docs for PROCshell_AttachPointerLeavingWindow
2.14a - Improved StrongHlp manual thanks to !StrongTst. No more
dangling links or unreachable pages (I hope..). Lots of
corrections to the ASCII documentation as well.
2.15 - Fixed bug in DataLoad routines (double click on a data
file belonging to the application loaded the app but
not the file).
- Added routine PROCshell_DrawSetJoinStyleNone
- Added routine PROCshell_DrawSetJoinStyleRound
- Added routine PROCshell_DrawSetJoinStyleBevelled
2.16 - Added routine PROCshell_WindowSetDefaultPosition
- Added routine PROCshell_WindowUserRedrawGetLines
- Added routine FNshell_MemLib_GetPageSize
- Added routine FNshell_MemLib_GetShellDynamicAreaNr
- Added routine FNshell_MemLib_GetShellDynamicAreaSize
- Added routine FNshell_MemLib_DynamicAreaAvailable
- Added routine FNshell_MemLib_GetShellDynamicTotalFree
- Added routine FNshell_MemLib_GetShellDynamicNrBlocks
- Added routine PROCshell_MenuPutTitle
- Fixed bug in icon dragging routines which meant that
solid sprite dragging had to be configured 'on' to
drag a file icon from a save dbox
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